Blog Post 2 Website Review

Gay Pride is a big topic in 2018 and  I was able to dive in to a site dedicated to in the form of spreading it around the world. A Digital Archive of Historical LGBT T-Shirts showed off the various history of LGBT shirts around the world in unique ways to spread the pride of LGBT  You were  really be able to  enjoy exploring through map felt like i was scrolling through Snapchat maps or Google maps. It was high quality like i was looking at an app  and the design of all the shirts were beautiful at each location. I always enjoyed looking through the theme and browsing through all the shirts throughout LGBT history.

There where shirts from March on Washington  to HIV and Aids theme t-shirts. I learned that their are a lot  of gay pride shirts throughout history you can have for memorable events most people were not aware happened. You could click on and look at each of the many shirts through each LGBT event. There were  many different and colorful designs that were impressive , colorful and to me belonged in a historical museum where it can be viewed by tourist. This website will continue to be updated with more details from future historic LGBT events and even more creative shirts. The map says there are 2899 total shirts around the world and i learned a lot about this website and even more about LGBT community . Overall i give this website a 10 out of 10 i enjoyed the content and the design of the overall website. It  is easy to navigate for you to be able to dip into LGBT history through its creative shirts around the world. I  think I’ll be checking A Digital Archive of Historical LGBT T-Shirts a lot more in the future and one day hope to meet those who are responsible for it.

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